So this is the first of what I suspect will be an on-going series called HOT or MESS. See, I'm one of those people (maybe the only one?) who thinks that "Hot Mess" can be a good or bad thing. For example, if a guy tells me he's a hot mess because he's just wearing basketball shorts and a tee, I think that's hot. But if he's a hot mess because he hasn't showered in five days (read: my ex), that's just gross. In these posts I will seek your opinion on various matters to determine whether a given "hot mess" is hot, or just a mess. Our first subject will be Tom Felton in man capris. Kayla sent me a link to a Gossip Girl post about the image below:

Photo credit: JCalderon / Splash News via Gossip Girl
The post implied that the Rise of the Planet of the Apes star had made a fashion faux pas, but I disagree. I could point out the simple fact that he still looks good, but I'd also like to point out the fact that he's European. Man capris are very European. In fact, when I studied in France what they labeled as "shorts" in their men's boutiques were what we would call capris. So, I think the capris are fine if for no other reason than he's a European dressed in a European manner. *Sarcastic Gasp* How could he!
My verdict: Hot
Kayla has made her opposition to man capris known. What are your thoughts?
I would usually be inclined to agree with Kayla, but those look OK on him!! However when my friend/manager at work wore a pair of CAMO manpris, it was a mess. Remind me to show you guys the picture...
ReplyDeleteThey only look okay because he's TOM FELTON. He could wear a poofy pink prom dress and I'd still drool. CAMO MANPRIS!?!? Nightmare. Must see that picture. Thanks for stopping by, love! xoxo
ReplyDeleteI will make sure to wear my manpris the next time the three of us go out. :P
ReplyDeleteI have way less of a problem with his manpris than I do the atrocious shoes! Maybe if he'd worn them with some other shoes, I'd be ok with it, but I can't really even focus on the nice bit of calfage going on there without the horrible shoes drawing my eyes downward against their will. LOL.
ReplyDeleteAnd apologies for responding to a bunch of old posts...I only just discovered your blog the other day and I'm determined to catch up from Day 1 to the present. :-)
ReplyDeleteThere is some nice calfage going on. That's ALMOST enough for me to allow the manpris. Not quite, though.
ReplyDeleteAnd do not apologize! Gives me an excuse to run down memory lane! =D We're very happy to have you.
See, I could possibly deal with manpris because I'm a huge history geek, and the period costumes where the guys wear knee breeches, or even better, KILTS, made me realize that I actually have a strange appreciation for nicely formed calves on a guy. So I would probably like to see more of them (as long as the shoes don't detract from them!).
ReplyDeleteI, too, am a recently turned-on follower, but felt I must respond to this old post with a resounding HELL, NO. No short pants. None. Ever.
ReplyDeleteOh, Katie. This is NOT how you get on my good side. :P (Welcome!)